Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon

Castlewood Canyon State Park is a Colorado state park near Franktown, Colorado…

Film Photograph by Adam Chrysler

Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon

The park retains a unique part of Colorado's history, the remains of Castlewood Canyon Dam…

Film Photograph by Adam Chrysler

Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon

Visitors can still see the remnants and damage from the dam which burst in 1933…

Film Photograph by Adam Chrysler

Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon

The event sent a 15-foot wave all the way to downtown Denver resulting in a flood that took two lives and cost millions to recover from.

Film Photograph by Adam Chrysler

Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon

Castlewood Canyon is on the edge of the Palmer Divide…

Film Photograph by Adam Chrysler

Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon

It’s a geologically upraised area that results in more moisture falling than is normal in eastern Colorado, watering the Black Forest...

Film Photograph by Adam Chrysler

Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon

The Palmer Divide is a caprock escarpment-style ridge that separates the Arkansas River basin from the South Platte basin…

Film Photograph by Adam Chrysler

Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon

It extends from the Front Range of the Rockies eastward 80 miles toward the town of Limon…

Film Photograph by Adam Chrysler

Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon

The Black Forest extends from Divide, Colorado east along the Platte-Arkansas Divide to a point where the Ponderosa Pines thin out…

Film Photograph by Adam Chrysler

Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon

The first known inhabitants were the Ute and Comanche Indians at least 800 years ago…

Film Photograph by Adam Chrysler

Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon

Dense Ponderosa Pines provided natives with protection, fuel, and timber for lodgepoles…

Film Photograph by Adam Chrysler

Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon

The Arapahoe and Cheyenne tribes were the last Native Americans to inhabit the area, before Pioneers from the East settled the region.

Film Photograph by Adam Chrysler

Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon

Rattlesnakes, especially in this part of the park, are abundant and join native wildlife such as coyote, cottontail rabbit, red fox, black bear, and many more.

Film Photograph by Adam Chrysler

Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon

Because of its distance from the light-pollution of Denver, and Colorado Springs, Castlewood Canyon is a prime spot for Stargazing…

Film Photograph by Adam Chrysler

Castlewood Canyon
Castlewood Canyon

It is a popular spot in late July and August to catch the Perseid Meteor Shower, as well as other astronomical events during the year.

Film Photograph by Adam Chrysler